擁有房產、代間協助、與社會地位間關係之研究A Study on the Relationship Between Owning Real Estate, Intergenerational Financial Support, and Social Status in Taiwan
aiwan have made it more difficult for the younger generation to buy a house and, therefore, intergenerational financial support from family members has become critical when the young generation wants to purchase a home. What is the extent of the importance of intergenerational financial support in owning real estate? Furthermore, what is the impact of owning real estate on the social status of the people? This paper employs data from the “Taiwan Social Change Survey” and “Panel Study of Family Dynamics” published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences at Academia Sinica to perform empirical estimations. The estimation results suggest that intergenerational financial support increases the probability of owning real estate by 29.2%. In addition, owning real estate improves self-evaluated social status. Finally, the objective conditions of spouses are higher for those sampled who are able to provide post-marriage housing.
Key words: ownership of real estate, intergenerational support, social status, Taiwan Social Change Survey, Panel Study of Family Dynamics