總體經濟對房地產景氣循環不對稱影響之研究— 中國大陸之實證分析A Study on the Asymmetric Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on the Real Estate Cycles of Mainland China


The dynamic nature of the real estate market of China has posed specific challenges to researchers. It would be helpful to make policy suggestions by investigating the turning point in the real estate market cycle as well as the impacts of some fundamental economic factors. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the cycle of China’s real estate market by adopting the Markov switching model. Our empirical results show that, during the period from 2004:01 to 2015:07, the average duration of the real estate market’s expansion in China is longer than that of the contraction. In addition, our analysis confirms the significance of the asymmetric relationship between the real estate market and fundamental economic factors in China.
Key words: real estate market of China, business cycle, Markov switching model

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