誰需要社會住宅?Who Needs Social Housing?
This is a pioneering quantitative research study on Taiwan’s social housing (SH), which provides precise, wide-range, and in-depth analyses on the demand side. Based on the National Housing Survey conducted by the Ministry of the Interior in 2015, we investigate the opinions of non-ownership Taiwanese on SH using cross-analysis and the odds ratio from logistic regression. The results show that nearly 70% of non-ownership respondents support the construction of SH, and 51.5% of them are willing to rent a unit. It is worth mentioning that 58.9% of non-ownership respondents with monthly income of less than 20 thousand have no willingness to rent an SH unit, and they are also characterized as being older, jobless, and currently paying a low rent. Accordingly, we suggest that the promotion of SH should place more emphasis on the elderly and vulnerable, in tandem with a better medical system, rental subsidies, and employment counseling to improve policy efficiency.
Key words: national housing survey, social housing, cross-analysis, logistic regression