資訊揭露、信任、搜尋成本對委託房屋仲介業售屋 意願之實證研究-以高雄市為例An Empirical Study on the Effects of Information Disclosure, Trust and Search Cost on Consumers’ Intention to Authorize the Real Estate Brokerage Industry - The Example of Kaohsiung City
本文主要利用線性結構方程模式(structural equation model, SEM)探討資訊揭露、信任與搜尋成本對委託房屋仲介業售屋意願之影響。並以高雄市之潛在賣方為調查對象,調查期間為2007年3月30至4月30日。研究結果顯示,資訊揭露對委託意願無直接影響效果,但透過信任及搜尋成本之中介間接影響委託意願,且資訊揭露經由信任再透過搜尋成本之中介對委託意願產生間接影響。其次,信任與節省搜尋成本皆對委託意願具有正向顯著影響。
This study aims to investigate the effects of information disclosure, trust and search cost on the consumers’ intention to authorize the real estate brokerage industry of potential sellers in Kaohsiung. The survey covers the period from March 30 to April 30, 2007. The structural equation model (SEM) is used to test the hypotheses. The results indicate that information disclosure has a significant and positive impact on trust and search costs, while the indirect effect of information on the consumers’ intention through trust and search cost is also validated. Trust is proved to have a significant positive impact on search cost and the consumers’ intention, while trust is also found to have an indirect effect on the consumers’ intention through the search cost.The hypothesis that search cost increases the consumers’ intention is also validated.
Key words: information disclosure, trust, search cost, consumers’ intention, real estate brokerage industry