購屋者外部資訊搜尋管道選擇行為與搜尋期間之探討Homebuyer’s External Search Channels’ Choice Behavior and the Influence on Search Durati


This study has two goals. One is to know how a homebuyer chooses information sources.The other goal is to examine the relationship between information sources and search duration.We use the homebuyers’ data of 2005Q3 acquired from “Taiwan Housing Demand Survey”. And we use multinomial logit model and survival model to test our two hypotheses. The results show that homebuyers incline to use the commercial sources and mix sources. The buyers who have more budgets or prior housing purchasing experience would like to use commercial sources.Although the personal source has its limit, people who depend on it will have shorter search duration. Therefore, in order to improve transaction efficiency, the firms could use their existing marketing channels and try to build good word-of-mouth at the same time.
Key words: choice of information sources, search duration

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