住宅屬性對空屋形成機率影響之研究—以台北市為例Formation of Vacant Housing Units in Relation to Their Characteristics – The Case of Taipei City



Most housing market literature assumes that all housing units are identical and ignores difference among them. This article suggests heterogeneity, mobility and investment will influence the probability of formation of vacant housing units. Using year 2000 census data, Chungshan, Neihu and Shinlin districts of Taipei City, respectively with the highest, lowest and average vacancy rate in the City are examined and compared. The results of a binary logit model show that vacancy would be more likely to be observed on a house whose characteristics differ from ordinary ones, whose owner is liable to move and that is favored by investors. It is found that the high-rise buildings and luxurious houses in Chungshan and Shinlin districts, the en-suites in Chungshan district and low buildings in Neihu district have a higher probability of being vacant. These empirical findings suggest a close relationship between observed housing vacancy and housing characteristics in a spatial context.
Keyword: Characteristics of Houses, Vacant Probability, Heterogeneity, Logit Model.

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