住宅市場之產品定位分析—建商推案行為之研究Housing Market Production Position Analysis - Behavior of Construction Company
我們透過非典型住宅(atypicality of housing)的論點為基礎,以平均數與變異數的基本概念,運用建物存量資料,分析台北縣市的住宅新推個案、競爭個案、現存住宅在產品定位上的關係,並藉此進一步探討建商在產品定位時所隱含的市場判斷。研究結果顯示,在發展成熟都市,由於開發密集,加上地價較高,產品定位規劃彈性較小,因此建商易傾向以競爭個案與現存住宅的典型作為產品定位參考,亦即作為「跟隨者」。在發展尚未成熟都市,由於地價與開發密度相對較低,產品定位變化彈性較大,因此建商的產品定位除考慮競爭個案與現存住宅的典型外,也會分析競爭個案與現存住宅的差異性,即此時建商易成為「區隔者」。而實證顯示,當競爭環境的差異性較大時,建商會傾向以較小面積進行產品定位,即低總價會是建商在面臨複雜競爭環境時,較傾向之產品定位做法。
Housing market production position often show similar or different in Taiwan. For the follower and distincter,it seems exist same or different position strategy. Otherwise, because of the poor study in the housing market production position, there are much gap from theory to real situation. So, it's useful that know the behavior of construction company to construct the theory of the position.
We based on the atypicality of housing and used the means, variances, and the data of housing stock, to analysis the relationship of new construction case, competition case and existing house in Taipei, in order to understand the market decision of the position. We found that because the high land price and the low position elasticity, the new construction's position would similar the competition case and existing house in developed city. And the new construction's position would different the competition case and existing house in developing city. That's meaning the new construction's position isn't due to imitation, but rational decision.
Keywords: production position, new construction case, competition case, existing house