台灣不動產證券化產品市場需求之初探A Preliminary Analysis of Market Demand for Real Estate Securitization Product in Taiwan



In order to solve the predicament of traditional real estate investment, real estate securitization offers a new scheme by turning its investment nature from fixed asset into financial asset. However, after real estate securitization law has been implemented in Taiwan, what is the feasibility of this system and how is it embraced by the market will be the key to success for this system. Our study focuses on the demand side of the market and analyzes the factors that influences investor on purchasing the securities through questionnaire and logit model. Our results suggest that private investors believe the function for market liquidation and risk diversification of the securities are positively correlated with expected return. If the investors are optimistic to the future the stock and real estate market, the possibility to invest is higher. As for institutional investors, market liquidation and various choices for investment in the market will affect their possibility to invest. To the practical operation of real estate securitization, we hope our results would provide a reference of decision-making for government, industry and investor.
Keyword: Real Estate Securitization, Real Estate Investment, Logit Model

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