台灣地區住宅供給彈性之估計An Estimation of the Elasticity of Housing Supply in Taiwan
In the housing market, housing demand and housing supply determine housing price simultaneously. In the past, the empirical evidence on the housing supply is far less than that on the housing demand. In this study, we estimate the long run and short run elasticity of housing supply in Taiwan using the pooling data of 23 counties from 1990 to 1996. We tind that the clastic:ty of housing supply in the long run is about 1.2965, and in the short run housing supply is pcrfcctly inelastic. The most significant factors affecting long run and the sbort run housing supply are housing pricc, land price, and wage, In the short run, housing prices arc determined by demand -side factors only, however, supply-side factors are more important in the long-run.
Key words: housing supply, supply elasticity, housing price