台北是合理房價—需求面分析Reasonable Housing Prices in Taipei-Demand Side Analysis
本研究主要是藕白住宅負糖能力的意義以及家戶與住宅的價量分配探討「什麼様的家庭以多來購買什麼様的住宅」,並以此作為衡量需求面合理房價之基礎。我們利用的所得資料以及房屋仲介公司成交公報資料,分析不同所得家戶與住宅在價記,發現市場上流通的住宅與家戶所得在價格與數量的分配是不平均的,低所得於低價位房屋數量,低價位房價的供不感求,導致房價偏離市場供需價格,不利於低所得者,因此政府應增加或提供低價位住宅,使低所得者能夠獲得適合居住的住宅。另外我們計算出民國 87年第一等分所得者之合理房價為182萬至364萬,僅能在市郊購買到8.23至15.18坪的無法連到87年第一等分家戶平均居住面積25.75坪;而第三等分所得者之合理房價為382萬至763能在市郊購買16.73至39.84坪,能夠到第三等分家戶之平均住宅坪數31.28坪。這顯示出政府須對於不同所得者給予不同的住宅補貼,尤其須重是低所得者,給予較多的住宅補貼。
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the reasonable housing price according to the meaning of housing aftordability and the distibution of household income and housing price. Using the Survey of Personal Income Distribution data of D6BAS and broker's housing transaction reports to analyze the distribution of household income and housing price , we find that the distribution of houschold income and housing price in valuc are disad vantage to the lower income household. Hence, increasing the quantity of low price houses so that lower income household could get adequate house is important. Besides, when we use housing expenditure to calculate the reasonable housing price according to dilferent household income, we find that lower income household couldn't buy adequate housing in downtown and suburban, but the medium income household could. The government should put more effort on housing subsidy policy for lower income household.
Key words: reasonable housing price, housing affordability, housing expenditure