國內房屋仲介業實施聯賣資訊網制度之研究A Study of MLS in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry
台灣地區之房屋仲介公司正欲推展施行於美國之聯賣資訊網制度(MultipleListing Service)。此制度不僅可以增加賣方案件之曝光度,買方亦可不需要一家換一家的導找案件,亦可以提高成交機率。然此制度在台灣卻可能面臨到公司經營體質、形象及服務品質的差異,因而難以推展。本文擬透過間卷調查,訪問各房屋仲介公司經紀人員,來了解是否不同的經營型態的經紀人員其對聯賣資訊網制度的實施的看法是否有差異?及探討受訪者對於實施聯賣資訊網之意願的考慮因素為何?調查結果可知,大部分受訪者認為應該實施聯賣制度。直營系統之受訪者認為品牌服務的差異、佣金分配不易是實施聯賣困難之因素之同意度最高。對於聯賣效果愈是正面肯定者,則實施聯賣意願亦愈高。愈同意互信不足是實施聯賣之困難所在者,則實施聯賣意願愈低直營系的受訪者對於實施聯賣意願較低。
This study examines the MLS(Multiple Listing Service) in the residential real estate brokerage industry. Through the MLS, for example, individual buyers and sellers can access the entire market area by the service of a single broker. The MLS works athat a member firm submits its listing to the service, which then distributes the collected information to all other members. Sales arranged by brokers other than the broker who originally acquired the listing result in a sharing of the commission according to a prearranged rule. This paper surveys the attitude of brokers toward the MLS. We conclude that the difficulties of establishing the MLS are the difference between brand services and the difficulty of commission split.
Key words: real estate brokerage industry, multiple listing service, commission split