模糊語意變數法應用於住宅消費決策行為之初探研究An Application of Fuzzy Linguistic Varable Method (FLVM) on Housing Consumption

家戶在選擇住宅購屋時,包含甚烏離的決策過程,其中的不確定性甚高如何衡量這些複雜的因素,使其成為適切的購屋評估決策指標,以供建築投資業者規劃設計合適的住宅產品,為本文所欲探討之主要課題。相關文獻中對於住宅消費決策行為的研究大都需要人口統計資料及生活型態等解釋變數在問卷調查過程中消費者對自身需求可能並非明確具體,而具有模糊情形。此外,資料中所顯示的資訊是否能真正表現出消費者本身的模糊特性,亦值得商榷。本研究的目的在於應用模糊語意變數法(FuzzyLinguistic VariableMethodFVM由解模化(defuzzify)的過程,將以三角模糊數表示的模糊權重,轉換為明確數值(crispnumber,再進行各初選指標的重要度排序,以描繪出家戶對不同住宅屬性的重視程度。在方法上,本研究嘗試將模糊語意變數法應用於不動產決策研究領域,期望結合模糊理論,將具模糊性與不確定性的家戶購屋主現行為加以客靚歸納成不同購屋決策者主觀判定下的評價,以得到具有共識性且較客靚的結果,並據以建立住宅消費決策評估指標本研究換取民國86年居住在花地區之家戶問卷調查資料,建立了家戶購屋決策的重祝程度指標。結果發現花蓮地區居民購屋時比較重視的因素包括「附近有無公害污染」、「地段增值力」、「學區」、「房價」、「交通方便」等。


In this study, we attemptted to apply fuzzy theory to establish the evaluating indicators of house buying. Literature on housing choice concludes that the decision making behavior is havily relied on the social-economic variables, such as fanily type and prefernce. Howcver, the answer obatincd from questionnaire survey arc ambiguous. The purpose of this study is to transfer the weighted fuzzy mean indicated by triangular fuzzy number into the crisp number by applying Fuzzy Linguistic Yariable Method (FLVM) and using defuzzify procedure. We analyze the significant degree of different bousing attributes from bousehold by ranking all of the first choice indications. Empirical data are selected from household questionnaire survey of Hualien area in 1997. We estimated the significant indications of household's decision on housing choice. Our finding indicated that the houschold in Hualien arca more emphasized the factors on bousing choice including public nuisance and pollution, increasing value potential, school location, housing price and traffic convenience, etc.  Households in different areas have different significance on housing choice.
Key words: Housing, Fuzzy Linguistic Variable Method (FLVM), Housing Consumption

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