住宅租擁選擇下家計消費支出之比較A Comparison of Household Expenditure by Tenure Choice-Taiwan Evidence
Becoming a homcoiner means that a household's financial planning will be significantly affected for many years into the future. Hence, it definitely affects the pattern of consumption of other goods, with the result that the effect will be felt differently in different stages of the life-cycle.'To find out exactly how and to what extent tenure choice affect consumption patterns in Taiwan, this paper unilizcs data form the government conducted "Houschold Income and Expenditure Survery" of 1993. The results show that homcowners have a higher income elasticity in their expenditure on imputed rent,furniture, health related iteins, education, transportation and entertainment, while renters have a higher income elasticity in their expenditure on eating out and clothing. This finding indicates that, in general, homeowners are willing to spend more on iterns that improve the quality of life for the whole family, while renters are willing to spend more on items that enhancc individual welfare and convenience. 'In terms of age groups, the results sbow that in the middle-aged group, homeowners bave a higher income clasticily in their expenditure on entertainment, education and health, while in the younger groups,renters have a higher income elasticity in their expenditure on clothing and household management.
Key words: Consumption Expenditure, Tenure Choice Life Cycle, Income Elasticity