戶長及其配偶對住宅區為選擇之影響力分析The Analysis of Housing Location Choice Effect by Household's Head and the Spouse
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of housing location choice influenced by the characteristics of household's head and the spousc. We attempt to explore the housing location decision mainly depending on the head's characteristics can't represent the demand of the whole household. The empirical study uses the data from "1990 Census of Population and Housing in Taipei" and logit mode to examine. Comparing the "Household's Head Model" and the 'Household's Head and Spouse Mode]", we find that the later model has better model fitting and that the relationship between houscbold's characteristics and the housing location choice is significant. However, most of the spouses of the head are female, their influence on housing location choice is limited. For example, the variables of female age, educational attainment, family origin and the place of residence five ycars ago are significant, but the economic characteristics of female occupational status, place of work are not significant.
Key words: Location Choice, Household's Head and the Spouse, Logit Model