財富效果、所得效果、與住宅需求Wealth Effect,Income Effect ,and Housing Demand
Since housing price is very cxpensive in Taiwan, one of the important factors that determines housing purchase is the level of wealth owned by a household, in addition to the traditional variables like income,interest, and so on. Besides, financial market is not well developed in Taiwan, therefore a large amount of down payment is required in housing purchase. Consequently, the Icvel of wealth owned by a houschold crucially determincs the fcasibility in aftording the ownership of a house. Due to data restriction, literature concerning demand for housing did not pay enough attention to the analysis of the relationship between housing demand and the wealth level of a household. Thus, in this study, we use the Survey of Personal Income Distribution data of DGBAS to analyze the wealth effect, on top of income cffect, of housing demand.We conclude that, for owners, the level of wcalth significantly affects housing demnand and the effect increases as thc level of wealth increases. For renters, asset elasticity of housing demand is insignificant.
Key Words: Housing Demand, Asset Elastictty, Income Elasticity