住宅權屬對都市結構影響之研究The Influence of Housing Ownership on Urban Structure
過去十幾年來,都市區位及土地使用理論之研究已進入都市成長的動態領域,此種研究的轉變,確有其明顯的意義,動態模型普遍被用來分析都市發展。但各研究均假設都市土地為不在地主(Absentee landlord)所有,或土地共有(Public ownership)·家計單位向地主承租居住空間。然而事寶上·都市土地大部份為住戶所擁有,以台灣地區而言·住宅自有率達79.11%,且住戶可決定自行擁有或承租住宅。因此本研究首先將建立住宅自有之動態模型及承租住宅下之動態模型·以比較探討不同權屬型態下對都市結構之影響·以作為未來都市發展之參考。結果發現,當存款利率相對於住宅貸款利率愈低,其自行擁有住宅者之財富水準及效用水準均大於承租住宅者,且存款利率與貸款利率益距態大時,租屋者與自行攤有住宅者間之財富水準與效用水準之距愈大。因此得知都市結構與權局關係是有某種程度之相關。
Urban land use model has been developed to explain the urban development process recently. (Anas,1978 ㆍ Fujita, 1978ㆍ Mills, 1981 ㆍBrueckner, 1982 ㆍWheaton, 1982 ㆍCapozza and Helsley, 1990 Capozza and Sick, 1994). However, the abscntce landlord or public ownership of land assumption cannot explain the high rate of the owner-occupied residence (about 80%) in Taiwan Area. The purpose of this papcr is to compare the influence of housing ownership on urban structure. We find that the wealth and utility level of owner-occupied residence are higher than that of rental-occupied residence when saving interest is less than loan interest. Therefore, the interest policy is a key element to urban structure.