住宅價格指數之研究––以台北市為例Housing Pric Index in Taipei



Collecting the "real" transaction housing price is the most critical issuc of housing price rescarch, and it is also the most difficult part of that research in Taiwan. Much housing price research bias may come from the "'not real" transaction price. In order to correct this bias, we asked the Pacific Rehouse Company to provide their real transaction prices ( From 1988 to 1993 Quarterly).
Heteroscedasticity housing exist in the market, it resulted from different time, location and housing type, How to fix the housing quality to explain the housing price difference is critical issue. By the hedonic price method with housing characteristics we match the standard housing to set up Standard Housing Price(SHP). Using this SHP with different index formula build our Housing Price Index (HPI). In this empirical study, we found that using the Passches' HPI more sensitivity than Laspeyres' HPI. Passches' HPI can be more casy reflect the housing quality changc on housing price. We observed first quarter of 1988 to the 4th quarter of 1989 the real housing price raised 67.8%, then continuously  decline to 39.09% in 4th quarter of 1990. The latter two years housing price stable average up to 9% to 12%.

Keywords : Housing Price Index, Housing Characteristics, Housing Type, Standard Housing, Hedonic Price.

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