都市原住民居住品質之衡量—以台北市為例Housing Quality of Urban Aboriginal Households:The Case of Taipei City
本文透過住宅價格建🖂一個衡量居住品質的方法,據以估算台北市各行政區原住民與非原住民家戶的居住品質差異與其影響因素。實證結果發現,大多數行政區內原住民家戶的居 住品質普遍較非原住民為低(4%~55%間),且兩者居住品質差異在房價較高的行政區反而較小或未達顯著水準(如信義區與大安區)。其次,不同行政區間原住民家戶的居住品質差異較非原住民家戶為大。此外,教育程度與男性戶長對原住民家戶的居住品質有顯著正向影響,宅內 人數則相反,至於經濟戶長的年齡與婚姻狀況對於原住民家戶的居住品質影響則不顯著,此 與非原住民家戶明顯不同。
In this study, we establish a method to measure the housing quality of aboriginal and non- aboriginal households in Taipei City. The empirical results show that the housing quality of aboriginal households is approximately 4~55% lower than that of non-aboriginal households in most districts, except the Xinyi and Daan Districts. The differences in housing quality between the two groups are smaller in districts with high housing prices. The housing quality difference in aboriginal households in 12 districts is approximately 17.32% higher than for non-aboriginal households. Furthermore, education and having a male household head are significantly positively associated, and the number of people in the house is significantly negatively associated with housing quality. However, the effects of the age of the household head and of marital status on housing quality are not significant, which is different from the case of non- aboriginal households.
Key words: aboriginal people, urban aboriginal households, housing quality