影響臺灣青年人口居住型態之價值觀因素The Impact of Personal Values on Housing Status of Taiwanese Young Adults
臺灣的青年居住困境近年常是大眾媒體熱烈議論的話題,然而大多將焦點放在買不起房 的經濟因素上,少有研究深入探究青年人買房或租屋背後的想法與價值觀。此研究嘗試將家庭價值觀及自我文化納入討論,並同時採用量化及質性分析,嘗試拆解在結構及環境因素下,價值觀如何影響臺灣18至40歲青年的居住型態。研究結果發現,在控制各項其他因素下,價值觀仍能顯著影響青年的居住型態,在深度訪談分析中更可清晰看出青年在♛對居住選擇時,即便因結構限制而選擇有限,但仍因家庭價值觀、自我文化、購屋期待之差異而做出不同的選擇。
The housing dilemma faced by Taiwanese young adults has been widely discussed in the mass media in recent years. As most discussions have focused on the difficulties of entering homeownership among young adults caused by the economic pressure, there is a lack of research examining young adults’ personal values regarding buying or renting houses. This study aims to take personal values, including family values and self-culture, into account. By adopting quantitative and qualitative analyses, this study investigates how personal values affect the housing status of Taiwanese young adults aged 18-40 within a given structural context. The research findings show that after controlling for other variables, personal values still have significant effects on young adults’ housing status. Furthermore, the analysis of in-depth interviews indicates that when facing housing options, young adults tend to choose differently according to their family values, self-culture, and housing aspirations, even though they are limited by structural factors.